College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Flinders Uni



to make a


to health

Using technologies to make

a difference to health


Care Informatics and Technologies


The use of informatics and technologies to improve health – Digital Health - has been increasing over the last few years with great potential of leading to meaningful outcomes to consumers, professionals, communities and the health system. To reach this potential, it is pivotal that Nurses and Allied Health professionals are involved in digital health opportunities to address needs and challenges faced by the different stakeholders in health rather than implementing technologies that are already identified or have a commercial value only.



Care Informatics and Technologies (CIT) aims to build current and future workforce´s capacity in digital health by improving Nurses and Allied Health professionals' capability through our learning portal and increasing opportunities of interdisciplinary research collaborations.


To enable and motivate the current and future health workforce and academics to ‘own their space’ in Digital Health, the CIT project, through this website, have:

  • Prepared a Learning Centre with interactive online modules for health students and providers to promote understanding of key concepts to the use of digital health technologies in practice. Also, researchers will find a module that discusses principles of Digital Health research and agile research methods that enable innovation and effectiveness
  • Highlighted existing evidence on various types of use of technologies in health and knowledge gaps within the field in the Research Centre. There, you can also find information about research projects that are embedded in the CIT project and how you can collaborate with us
  • Created an Events section that displays information about conferences, workshops, seminars, courses in Digital Health that are of interest for nurses and allied health students, providers and academics
  • Developed a webpage containing information and resources, where users can find useful references, websites, blogs, courses and videos that will help them being up-to-date with news in the Digital Health area


 Page updated 31st March 2019