College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Flinders Uni

Learning Centre

Digital Health from Care Perspectives is a series of four modules that introduces definitions, the role of Digital Health to address needs of different stakeholders, as well as its benefits and challenges. Through interactive activities and real world examples, professionals and students in Nursing and Allied Health will learn and reflect on key aspects of Digital Health for professional practice.



Digital Health modules from Care Perspectives



Introduction to Digital Health from a care perspective

Module 1


What is Digital Health

In this module, concepts and definitions in Digital Health are presented and an overview of their value for different stakeholders is explored.


Start module






Module 2


Digital Health and client needs

Learn how clients can use Digital Health to respond to needs and problems they face when caring for their own health or interacting with the health system.  


Start module







Module 3


Digital Health and health provider needs

The health workforce faces challenges as part of their work in the health system. Complete this module to learn about Digital Health tools that can be used to address these needs and how they can benefit or challenge health providers (professionals). 


Start module







Module 4


Digital Health and health managers needs

In this module, the role of Digital Health in enabling and optimising the management of the health system are highlighted through interactive activities and reflections. 


Start module





 Page updated 31st March 2020