College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Flinders Uni

Industry Research & Partnerships




Caring Futures Institute is a research centre for the study of self-care and caring solutions leading to better lives, better communities, better care and better systems.

Under research leadership of experts in the fields of methods innovation, technology, knowledge translation and health economics we consider the cost and economic benefit for societies, set new standards for innovative research design, utilise or develop new technologies for health impacts and undergo extensive stakeholder engagement.


Our research is done in partnership with health professionals, carers, consumers, service providers, funders and policy makers. We welcome an ongoing dialogue with industry and communities to explore how we can develop evidence-based self-care and caring solutions to improve people's quality of life and boost social and economic prosperity.

There are many ways that organisations, industries and health services can develop research partnerships.
We are keen to build meaningful relationships to improve health outcomes for our services and our community.


We invite you to contact the Caring Futures Institute to start a conversation on partnering with us.





 Page updated 23 December 2019